
Nimbuzz pre-installed by o2 Germany

This is big news from Nimbuzz.

Back in February, Geoff Casely came along to the Mobile Industry Review Developers’ Event in London and showed off the latest version of their instant messaging and VOIP service.

I remember being suitably impressed — and I remember Geoff saying that despite record numbers of users signing up for the service, their real aim was to get mobile operators to adopt and deploy Nimbuzz officially.

Tall order, some might think, convincing an operator to (potentially) canibalise it’s messaging revenues to offer a better experience to their customers.

Well o2 Germany have bitten. They’ve pre-installed the Nimbuzz client on to their new TG01 handset from Toshiba.

Nimbuzz is a brilliant, full-featured mobile instant messaging client. I use it regularly — and I particularly enjoyed using it on my Nokia N95 8GB whilst traveling up and down Silicon Valley annoying jealous iPhone users with Nimbuzz running in the background.

Nimbuzz works with the likes of Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ, GoogleTalk, AIM, and social networks including Facebook and MySpace. The Facebook chat functionality is a brilliant offering. I like ‘being online’ to my Facebook community even when I’m not physically using the service on the web.

Nimbuzz also supports StudiVZ. Which is absolutely critical for anything launching in Germany. (StudiVZ is the country’s most popular social network.)

Standby for more news from Nimbuzz. They’re working hard on an array of other mobile operator deals. I won’t be surprised if they’ve more deals to announce shortly.

And if you haven’t taken a look at the service recently, do so. Head over to and download it for your device. They support almost everything.