
No one wants an iPhone, apparently

Link: Markitecture – The Apple iPhone

Just seen some interesting survey results courtesy of marketing consultants Markitecture. In a survey in the US of 1,300 consumers, only 6% of those said they’d purchase an iPhone in the next year. In fact, two-thirds went even further and said there was zero chance they’d purchase the product.

Despite 77% of respondents being familiar with the product, and 41% having a good impression of the product based on what they’d seen or heard, quite a large proportion of those surveyed were just not interested. Why? strangely enough cost was the biggest reason, with carrier issues and/or contracts coming in a close second.

So, assuming it was only available in the UK on one particular network, lets say Vodafone, and even with subsidy it was a good £400-£500 to purchase on an 18 month contract, would you still give your left (or right) arm, all your worldly possessions, and possibly remortgage the cat to own what’s been touted as the biggest thing to hit mobile in years?