
Nokia N900 photo samples: It's a gorgeous interface

Taking photos and sharing them on the pre-release Nokia N900 is a joy, it really is.

I’m flabbergasted by how Nokia have integrated the process together so that it’s so connected and so sensible.

I had to pop out briefly to Sainsbury’s this afternoon (Americans: Sainsbury’s is a supermarket chain like Safeway). I took the N900 along and opened up the camera.

The first thing I saw was a message asking if I’d like to automatically geotag my pictures.

‘YES PLEASE,’ I thought, and approved that.

Then the camera window appeared. It’s a 5 megapixel carl zeiss lens (with flash).

I snapped my first picture. Woosh. It was already (geo)tagged with ‘W4, London, United Kingdom’. I LOVE it!

I clicked on the share option for the image. I’ve seen this on other Nokia handsets and used it now and again. How easy would it be to send a photo to Nokia’s Ovi photo sharing facility?

Flippin’ easy.

I had a choice between setting up support for Flickr, for Facebook or for Ovi.

I went for the nice green Ovi logo.

I typed in my username and password.

Butter me in treacle and call me Susan… it just worked. It validated my account, prompted me for a title and description and within a second it was transmitting the photo to Ovi.

Smart. Simple. Everything I’ve always wanted my Nokia handset to do.

Now let’s be clear, you can do this with your N86 — even your N95 — but the super nice logical touch interface along with the QWERTY keyboard makes the whole thing a total, total breeze.

Here’s some photos I took:

(And I’m using the Ovi Share fancy little flash ticker embed option for this album…nice)

Here’s an original pic if you’d like to view the full quality (click to load the 824kb version)