
Nokia Research Labs: Make your HDTV a touchscreen


Goodness me what a shit week it’s been for Nokia.

Yet amongst the dross, there are glimmers of light.


Witness, for example, Engadget’s Vlad Savov who highlights a prototype app called Plug and Touch.

Plug your N8 into your HDTV and position the device about five feet away with the camera pointing at the TV.

The app then does a passable job of noting your hand position in relation to the screen giving the effect of turning your HDTV into a touchscreen.

Vlad points out that, “it’s not terribly precise at this stage and there are no plans for an actual release, but it sure is a tantalizing glimpse of what may be coming down the pipe.

So I’ll watch out for that on my next Apple device then, shall I?

This is the kind of fun, innovative, cool things that the company needs to be churning out to set the mobile industry on fire.

Check Vlad’s post for the video demonstration.

(Picture from Vlad’s post)