
Nokia Doing More Product Placement In Movies?

James Burland’s sharp eye noticed that Nokia’s doing more product placement in movies these days. The latest is in JJ Abrams’ ‘Cloverfield’, set to debut soon. The trailer features a black Nokia N76, and a pink Nokia 7373 (from their 2nd Fashion Series).

Personally, this is something that I don’t think we see enough of, product placement in movies. It doesn’t need to be overt, but can be just showing a character using a device, that’s it. Typically whenever there’s a movie out with handsets, the forums go crazy with people clipping scenes to try to figure out what the device is.

If you want to see how product placement is done right, watch the U.S. version of The Office (I know, blasphemy, but hey, I’m in the States, and it’s not like I haven’t seen the UK version). The U.S. version has product placement all over the place, but you wouldn’t notice if you don’t watch the commercial breaks.

Do you think product placement is a good idea, or no? Obviously it’s a fine line between overt and not, but I think it can be done tastefully and without intrusion.