
Nokia E61i... it's verrrrrrry sexy.. but

Sexy Beast005

Sexy Beast005
Originally uploaded by blueboyeddie.

Have a look at this. I demanded Ed of

He’s installed a rather smart black and white theme which he reckoned was ‘shit hot’ — although I wasn’t quite sure of this until I saw the actualy picture. Very nice indeed, isn’t it?

An SMS Text News reader recently remarked to me that he was surprised that I hadn’t already taken delivery of an E61i, given that the handset is available for £299 inc VAT on the UK Nokia Store.

The answer? Well I don’t actually feel that drawn to the device any more. That’s because I’ve got my funky N95 which is pushing all my buttons at the moment. The N95 is my primary handset, whilst my (old) E61 is the slave handset, running my email and functioning as a mobile web browser.

I just don’t feel the pull of the E61i. Not enough to splash out good cash on it.

I shall upgrade in time. I’ll wait until you can pick’em up new on eBay for 150, I reckon…