
Nokia N810 - What's it for?

Nokia Europe - Nokia N810 - ProductsI’ve been playing with an N810 for a week or so and I’m confused… I’d been itching to get one of Nokia’s internet tablets for a while – it’s flexibility and hackability appealed – especially when the N800 price dropped after the N810 launch, but now I have one to try I’m a bit confused what it’s for…

Out of the box it does web and e-mail via WiFi or bluetooth to a mobile phone (no phone bits in it you see), but when I’m in WiFi range I’m typically at a laptop and when I’m not one of my mobiles can generally offer access to that information more quickly. The larger screen is nice, but I’m not sure I’d want to carry another device just for that – especially when the iPhone’s browser does a better job in a smaller space.

So apart from the hacking side of things I’m at a loss… surely that market isn’t large enough to sustain a whole range of devices?

Do you have one? What did you buy it for? What do you use it for?