
Nokia World 2009: MIR is there

Every year Nokia does a very big conference, usually somewhere in Europe, by the name of Nokia World. The cream of the company’s techies, product managers, marketing geniuses and executives arrive in one place for a few days.

It was at Nokia World 2006 that I:

a) Put a question to the company’s CEO at the end of their press conference. And got it answered. What a cool chap.

b) Watched a confident Nokia explain their roadmap for the next few years and bask in the glory of total industry success

c) Watched the future gazing chaps explain that in a few years time (‘by 2010’ or something like that) they’d have a handset with a sensor that would change screen orientation when you turned it. We were floored.

d) 3 months later Apple launched the iPhone, shocked the planet and put Nokia, at least in the minds of the geek, on the back foot immediately.

We’ve had a few years since the iPhone and I get the feeling that the mobile planet is waiting to hear about Nokia’s response. That’s not necessarily what Nokia World is about — but, I expect we’ll have some updates to bring you.

The event is hitting Stuttgart in early September — and I shall be there to bring you raw and unfettered news and perspective. Standby!