
Nokia's six-screen "Agora" Social Visualizer launches internally

Here’s an insight into how Nokia is harnessing the vast array of daily social media discussion about it’s brands into one single visual platform. They’ve called it “Agora” (after the Greek place of meeting) and they’ve made a little video showing it off. If you’re at all interested in social media, this will be of interest to you:

Here’s how Nokia describe the facility:

[Agora is] a Social Visualiser made up of six wide-screen LCD screens that brings together conversation, insight and consumer device activity about the Nokia brand in a real-time and easily digestible format.

The creation of Agora is the first time multiple listening systems have been brought together, implemented globally, and delivered in a visual format that makes content and data suitable for a wide range of diverse Nokia audiences. This allows Nokia to put social listening at the centre of its global business, with all of its workforce having access to this unique continuous insight so they can develop their brand and devices to fit in with the needs of its customers.

Have you seen anything similar in other mobile industry firms? I know many companies now have a “Situation Room” style social media monitoring centre where many of their outreach teams base themselves. I wonder how many companies are doing similar to Nokia and taking the product of these monitoring systems/centres and plotting it visually along the lines of Agora?