
Nokia's Virtual Music Launch


A mysterious, puzzling, thought provoking, email arrived today from Nokia’s press office.

An email which included the invite to ‘The Nokia Virtual Music launch’ this coming Wednesday, with no more details than what’s provided below, word for word.

Nokia would like to cordially invite you to the Nokia Virtual Music launch event which is taking place at 10:00 CET on Wednesday 11th March.

We would love you to join us to find out more about the event and catch the latest in the world of mobile music.

We hope you can make it.

What this could all be about is anyone’s guess, at the moment.

So far, the ideas speculated around is this will be their announcement of DRM free Comes With Music, coming off the back of iTunes similar news from Mac World earlier on this year.

Perhaps a new handset, with the music service bundled in is being unveiled to the world, virtually.

It’s unclear why they didn’t make this announcement at Mobile World Congress this year, with all the world’s media clearly being focused on the mobile telephone market along with the event being an ideal forum for this type of news.

We’ll just have to wait and see, but stay tuned and no doubt we’ll bring you the details.