
NokiaWorldWatch: Snippets from the day/miscellaneous discoverings III

A couple of last items, snippets, titbits we haven’t covered so far that we’ve discovered over the preceding days.

Some we found interesting, some we found an interesting concept and others we’ve found some will find interesting – just not us.

We’ve been told they’re working on a ‘presence’ idea for Nokia handsets. This is where contacts in your phone book who are also Nokia mobile phone users will have a status attached to their names.

This comes in two flavours, red and green for busy and not. It will be very much akin to the status in Windows Live Messenger or their ilk. Ideal for know when you can or cannot bother your friends, colleagues, love ones or bookies.

What’s more, they’re also planning on opening this up to other mobile manufacturers too. Wahoo!

In the Q&A someone asking a question about the next Communicator device and the N97 link.

The answer came back from the stage with Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, Nokia’s president and CEO , also Anssi Vanjoki their Executive VP Markets taking part.

It came across the Communicator isn’t dead, but in the mean time the N97 can act a bridge between the two – which we can see and we’re more than happy with.

Another part to the N97 we haven’t touched on is what Nokia are calling So-Lo, social location.

This is using the inbuilt GPS and electronic compass, where the handsets understands its location and updates real-time your whereabouts via social networking apps.

Lastly, but no means least is the Point & Find ability, which was first aired way back at the end of last year and is soon to come out of beta testing.

This is a way to find out more about your current location, using the handset, its camera, the GPS and onboard electronic compass.

By point your phones camera at an object like a Cathedral everything you want to know about it appears on the phones screen.

Also, from the same token; pointing you camera at a movie poster – times will appear on the screen for the nearest cinema, and its trailers can be seen too. Hurrah!