
Novophone: One of the coolest handset accessories you can buy

That there is the Novophone.

It’s a fashionable and functional ‘retro’ receiver. At least that’s how the manufacturers explain it, and you know what, I tend to agree with them.

Think ‘bluetooth headset’ without the bluetooth — and with a curly wire instead. And if you buy it in ‘fire’ red, you’ll be guaranteed to stand out in the office. I also reckon the Novophone might be rather comfortable compared to the current crop of headset offerings.

What’s it look liked plugged into a phone? Well, I’m glad you asked. Here’s a shot of the retro Novophone with an exceedingly retro Palm from yesteryear:

That little switch you see is a nice little answer/end button — used to hang up. Using the retro look handset really does appeal.

There are a ton of different adapters available just in case the 2.5mm jack won’t work with your device, so it should work with whatever handset you wish. Especially with an iPhone (adapter required).

The Novophone itself will set you back $27.95 and a few dollars more for the adapter.

Everything you need to know, including ordering details (and a pre or possibly post-orgasmic looking model showing off the Novophone) are right here: