
NumberGarage launches to park and forward your phone number

I had a note in from Matt Mikulla this morning telling me about his new service, NumberGarage.

It’s beautifully designed — the service makes we want to sign-up and be a customer, just by looking at the front-page.

This is a service for Americans, only. Although I definitely reckon Matt should see if they can extend the service internationally.

Over to Matt for an explanation:

I just wanted to tip you off on our phone number parking and forwarding service NumberGarage, .We allow the customer to control the phone number and choose what to do with it similar to a domain name. Many folks use the service in combination with Google Voice or when moving area codes. There’s a million reasons.

I’d love to know what ideas and opinions you have regarding NumberGarage.

I think the reason most relevant to me would be if I wanted to keep my number if I was planning to move home/mobile service provider. I can then sit on the number if I like, before moving it to another provider when convenient — or I can simply have it forward to another number. Brilliant! I reckon I’d find NumberGarage hugely, hugely invaluable.

Nice one.

Have a look and tell me what you think?