
Numo's SMS Preview hits 1 million Ovi Store downloads

Tomorrow I’m giving a talk at TechCrunch Europe’s GeeknRolla event on the subject of getting big fast in mobile. One of the companies I’ll be looking at is Nokia. I most definitely understand and empathise with the pained expressions I witness whenever I mention the company to mobile developers, however the company’s size and handset volume, together with the fact that almost every handset leaving their factory now comes with Ovi Store pre-installed, means they’re shortly about to become a big, big force in mobile applications.

Here’s an example.

Numo Mobile are the company behind an array of interesting Symbian applications. The one that’s of note today is their app, SMS Preview, which I’ve been using for a long time on multiple handsets.

It does exactly as the name suggests — gives you a preview of your incoming text messages.

Today Nokia announced that Ovi Store users have downloaded SMS Preview over a million times.

A *million* times.

Congratulations to all at Numo. And good work Ovi Store team.

SMS Preview is free and you can download it via the Ovi Store at this url:

Good, good news. Excellent proof point for Nokia, especially after the recent news that Nimbuzz knocked by a million downloads via Ovi in February.