
o2 is eating it's own dog food with "Joined Up People" enterprise offering

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Kudos to o2 Enterprise. The team specialises in helping enterprise organisations embrace flexible working. Instead of simply knocking out a few whitepapers, the company has taken a different path. It’s embraced the flexible working ethos itself! Here’s a quote from their story [PDF]:

We’ve been on a journey. We’ve saved millions. We use hundreds fewer desks. We’ve changed our culture and the way our people collaborate. And it’s all through flexible working. Or as we call it, Joined Up People.

In the highly personal case study, the company outlines just how effective the Joined Up People programme has been. Here are their three key highlights:

  • We’ve saved over £3 million by cutting 550 desks (it costs £7,000 a year to run a desk)
  • 100% of our flexible workers reported a better work/life balance
  • The annual savings for a team of eight through virtual monthly meetings is £30,400

It’s rather refreshing to see a big tech company actually do this kind of thing rather than just talk about it. It most certainly makes the conversation with other enterprises highly authentic, given that o2’s done it all itself.

It doesn’t just stop there though.

They’ve actually put each of their heads of department ON VIDEO talking about the benefits of the Joined Up People approach. Take for instance the company’s Human Resources head honcho, Nicky Brimmer: She’s positively glowing on camera, discussing how the programme has seriously benefitted o2 employees.

This kind of direct, personal approach is really refreshing to see.

I do throughly recommend having a browse through the Joined Up People website — but most importantly, definitely have a browse of this PDF case study. It’s nicely written, not too heavy and it should get thinking good things about o2.