
o2: 5th best place to work, 2007

I took a walk-about the other day and popped into some mobile phone shops. It’s always interesting.

I didn’t go in to any o2 stores though. I ..

Well I can’t quite explain it. I seem to have some sort of aversion to o2 at the moment. I don’t think it’s entirely because of their stupid data rates. I think it’s…….

I can’t explain it.

I have an irrational issue with o2.

I reckon it’s possibly because colleague Ed continues to use them and paid POUNDS per meg whilst I paid £7.50 a month for unlimited on T-Mobile/Three. You have to wonder what exactly o2 is coating the bills with to prevent folk from kicking off at their data rates.

I met quite a few folk from o2 recently at a special launch event a while back organised by Sonus PR. All perfectly nice people. Approachable. Bearing Champagne and hot new Blackberries. I dunno. I’ll need to face up to my o2 issue at some point.

Anyway I walked by this o2 store on Oxford Street, right:


And saw this sign:


Well I never. o2, 5th best place to work — EVER — in 2007.
