
o2 mobile data gerbils and hamsters in wildcat strike

The little gerbils — and the odd hamster — that, together with a bunch of string, keep the mighty o2 UK data network running, are on strike this morning.

They’ve had enough.

The result is that the o2 data network is, obviously, screwed.

What the hell is wrong with o2?

It’s supposed to be carrier-grade. Which means it goes down once in a blue moon and when they log a Priority 1 issue like this, teams of people are fired for screwing up.

It’s perhaps just as well that they’re apparently losing iPhone exclusivity on the 9th of October. By all means be exclusive, but make sure my sodding data connection stays up. All the time. You know, ‘five nines’? 99.999%? You know, ‘carrier grade’?