
o2, piss-up, brewery, challenges with organisation

Another reader — J — has emailed me to tell me about his trauma with o2’s online ordering system.

He’s also been trying to get hold of an 8800 Blackberry. (Shit hot looking, by the way, those.)

Have a read of his traumatic experience…

I rang up today — AGAIN — and was on hold, twice — once for 10 minutes, and then, the phone just got cut off.

That’s a favourite call-centre way of getting the lines cleared… when you hear someone momentarily pick up then hang up…

When I did finally get through, I was told someone from “admin” would have to call me back. When asked why, they just said I have to wait for a call.

I waited until 2pm after no call and told O2 where to shove the contract.

Good man! Good man!

That was the dark. Now for the light…

I just rang T-Mobile, got through first time. They ran a credit check, it was succesful (of course!), and I am having my blackberry 8800 delivered by 1pm tomorrow on Web and Walk, Flext 35 and Blackberry service. The guy on the phone was great, very helpful, answered all my questions quickly, and explained the whole billing of all of my packages really well.

Why is it that T-Mobile can get the phone to me the next day, yet O2 can’t even tell me when I will receive my phone!?

Now let’s just hope T-Mobile’s network is good enough for me. Although saying that, it can’t be much worse than Orange, can it!?

Thumbs up for T-Mobile I say!

Let me know how you get on, J.