
o2 UK is STILL saying: "iPhone only on o2"


Have a look at this photo sent in by a rather annoyed reader. It’s from the back of yesterday’s Guardian UK.

Don’t you think it’s getting ridiculous that o2 are still running the ‘iPhone only on o2’ advertisements? I first wrote about this two weeks ago.

At what point does this become a trade description violation?

The o2 team — many of whom are usually avid readers and responders to the MIR site, have been mysteriously quiet on this issue. What’s going on chaps?

Surely this isn’t a deliberate marketing strategy from the UK’s 2nd largest network? Surely they’re not that panicked by Orange’s entry into the marketplace?

You can, by the way, pick up a shiny new iPhone from Orange at

The iPhone. Now only on Orange.

You can bet your boots o2 would be screaming blue murder if Orange started running ads with that strapline…
