
On Windows Mobile 6.1

Roger Cheng of Dow Jones just popped over to get a quote from Avi Greengart of Current Analysis about what he thought of the newly launched Windows Mobile 6.1. Avi hadn’t actually seen it — and neither had I, but I said to Roger that I’d comment.

I gave him a quote — words to the effect of — Microsoft have continued to spectacularly under deliver with Windows Mobile. I want to be able to truly multitask with instant messaging, email, web and applications. I don’t want to have to wait for the screen to update. I can’t STAND the device screwing up when I’m trying to make a call. I’m a big fan, big fan of the concept of Microsoft — and I’ve bought and used almost every Windows Mobile device out there.

I doubt that 6.1 is a major improvement. I hope it is. I’ll take a look. Bring on Windows Mobile 7, completely rewritten from the ground up?

I turned to Nicole Lee of CNET, sat next to me, and asked her what she thought of Windows Mobile. Tactfully, she responded, “I used a Blackberry,” pointing to her white Pearl lying next to her MacBook Pro.

Stephen Pritchard of IT Pro walked by — again to speak to Avi — and I asked him what his feeling was on the OS. “I had to switch back to Blackberry,” he tells me.
