One number, multiple devices
I was pondering this issue over the weekend: I want to use different mobile devices on different days. In fact, I want to use multiple devices across a single day.
In the morning, I might want to go out with my SLVR in my back pocket. I might have no intention whatsoever of doing email so I certainly don’t need my Blackberry, but I’ll take my phone in case a) I want to phone someone, b) someone texts me or c) someone phones me.
I return home and then head off to lunch with a friend. I take my N90 because I might want to take some pictures or video. I leave the SLVR on the shelf.
In the late afternoon, I get in the car and drive to my friend’s place in Reading. Now I want both the N90 and the Blackberry (since I’ll be staying overnight, I want to check my mail).
You know it’s totally annoying having to faff about with sim cards. That’s not good enough. Not in today’s environment.
If I talk to someone via Google Talk on my computer, Google routes their reply and the conversation to my computer. If I then interrupt the conversation by typing ‘yeah, I agree’, via Google Talk on my Blackberry, the session is intelligently routed to my Blackberry from then on.
Why don’t we have this with mobile? It’s totally annoying having to open up the devices and screw about swapping sim cards. Really annoying. However it’s probably not a mass market issue 😉
Why haven’t we got presence sorted on the mobile?
You have to wonder, you really do, at what these mobile companies have been doing all this time.