
One of the reasons we all 'do a Google'

You have to wonder at the thinking behind whoever is actually running Yahoo.

Look at this. We’re getting bucketloads of traffic — BUCKETLOADS — from o2 customers hunting for the url

TONS of them are typing in:

And they’re getting a surprise.

They’re getting two results from Yahoo: An article on and our piece here.

You’d think that the search engine would have the balls and the brains to actually suggest the website as a possible alternative.

Searching for is a dead giveaway…

This is why I use Google and only Google. I don’t want to waste time arsing around.

Bit of a shame for the all the o2 customers who made the mistake of using Yahoo. Anyway, WE linked to So eventually the customers get there.

Here’s the rubbish Yahoo spouts out when you search for

And the same term search in Google?

First, second, third, fourth, fifth link. And a nice little sponsored link too.

Dear me.