
OnePoint offers surveys via text message

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Fantastic! OnePoint provides surveys that are initiated and completed by text.

I’ve built quite a few text survey services in my time and I’ve found them phenomenally useful ways of extracting information from people who wouldn’t normally bother.

Stick a piece of paper and pen in front of them and ask them to complete a questionnaire and they’ll refuse.

Text them a series of questions that they can answer on the train and they’ll do it with relish. Fascinating. It was particularly effective when we were trying to solicit opinion from important people who all of a sudden made time to respond to text messages!

However it was an arse building all the keyword response mechanisms, it really was. It took me ages sodding about in PHP.

So the news that there’s a company actually specialising in this service easily caught my attention. That’s all OnePoint do — mobile surveys, very, very well, it seems.


You can test out their system by taking a demo research survey — text RESEARCH to 85001 (just standard network text costs). The screenshot above is the first question from the demo.

I really enjoyed taking their demo survey and judging from the feedback they’ve published on their site, so does everyone else. If you’re thinking about conducting a survey shortly, definitely consider doing so via OnePoint’s SMS service and see what sort of results you get.

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