
Orange - The Reprisal

Does everyone remember Charlie Waldren’s post from yesterday? Well it seems Orange was listening.

So, I wrote an article yesterday about the problems I had been having with my phone and with Orange.

I popped a copy off in the post to their complaints department, and after a crafty bit of Googling also managed to find an email address, to which I fired off the link to the article, and a brief note.

Reading down the comments on the article this morning, I happened to see a response:

“Hi there,

I work for Orange and might be able to help. Really sorry to hear of your bad CS experience.

If you drop me an email with your contact details to ‘’ with ‘Susan Orange Response’ in the title I will give you a call to see if I can help.



Orange Response”

I sent an email off to them at 10.13am. In all honesty my cynicism didn’t expect to hear anything back about it, in spite of an automated reply telling me they had received my email.

You can imagine my surprise then, when at 1pm I get a call on my work phone, from a lady called Susan at Orange.

It went along the lines of: “Hello, I’ve heard you’ve been having some problems with your phone, and the service you’ve been receiving from us” – to which I said yes, and explained the whole sorry story.

The Very Nice Lady from Orange then asked me if I would like a new phone. Yes, that’s right. Just under three hours after emailing them, I get a call back offering me any nice shiny new phone I want, and an apology. My jaw literally hit the floor.

Sadly the phone I’m angling for is out of stock at the moment, but I have her assurance that she will call me as soon as it is back in to arrange getting my new shiny to me. Now, here’s a question for you readers – I am almost certain I want a Nokia 6220. Before I take the plunge, and to avoid me getting stuck with a phone so poor this happens again, tell me if you’ve had any problems with it?!

I am still in shock that someone has actually sat up and taken notice. Well done Orange, I hope you follow through and make good on your promise here.