
Orange launches Welsh language Samsung handset

“Never ask for directions in Wales, Baldrick, you’ll be washing spit off your face for a fortnight.”

That’s Edmund Blackadder’s advice for navigating the country of Wales.  Me, I’m much closer to my celtic — or semi-celtic — brotherhood.

I don’t speak any Welsh at all, though.

But if you’re Welsh and you’ve been longing for a mobile handset that actually uses that language, stand-up and be counted — thanks to Orange.  They’ve launched a Welsh language handset from Samsung.

# Orange and Samsung join forces to put Welsh language on a mobile phone for the first time

# The innovative phone includes never-before-available features including menus and predictive text in Welsh

# The phone and service will be available exclusively through Orange from September

# Wales’ Minister for Heritage, Alun Ffred Jones and S4C Presenter, Alex Jones joined Orange and Samsung to unveil the phone at The National Eisteddfod of Wales

via Orange newsroom.