
Orange winds everyone up with it's shite 'unlimited-but-sort-of-not' data rubbish

So, to all the people reading who emailed me saying ‘Right, but that Orange flat rate data plan will be a pile of shite’, I say this: You were right.

Me? I was erring on the side of positivity. I was hoping that by saying ‘unlimited browsing’ they meant unlimited data — which is what Three often say. Three regularly use the word ‘browsing’ because it’s a good consumer-friendly term. But they give you an open pipe.

Orange, on the other hand… Well, have a wee read…

Link: Orange does flat-rate data bundles – Mobile & Wireless – Breaking Business and Technology News at

Orange has introduced flat-rate mobile data bundles for the first time.
The mobile operator’s contract customers will be able to sign up for a bundle allowing them unlimited surfing for £8 per month. A bundle for evening and weekend browsing is priced at £5 per month. Alternatively, customers can opt for a daily cap of £1 per day.

Sounds good, right?

Now read…

An Orange spokesperson said: “The bundled prices won’t include VoIP or IM. We advise against using [those services] as yet.”

Bag o shite.

I don’t care so much about VoIP as it’s to be expected. But IM? I mean, we are talking INSTANT MESSAGING here, right? That’s data. Ahh. Which, one must assumes, means that any data service — for example, uploading a photo to Flickr via ShoZu is billable and not included in the flat rate deal. Rubbish.

Total arse. Who the hell wants to pay 8 quid a month to be able to arse around on their mobile browser? That is a limited experience at best. RUBBBBBBBBBASSSH.

If you’re a data user, just use Three or T-Mobile. Don’t arse around with anyone else.

I’m not even going to bother checking the pathetic Orange website either.

No, hold on. Actually I will. Whenever I go to I can hardly ever find anything I need. I keep on being presented with pictures of Keira Knightley and news feeds.

Let me see if I can find ANYTHING about their mobile data offer…

Nah. Nothing immediately visible.

Bag o shite.