
Orange's international calling card sim boosts confusion

Link: Orange’s attempt at fighting call cards >> Communication Breakdown >> David Meyer’s Blog at ZDNet UK Community

News just in from France Telecom’s local subsidiary: it’s introducing a “simple and low cost” way to call abroad. Is it lowering its international call rates? No! Don’t be silly. It’s putting out the Call Abroad pay-as-you-go SIM, which offers “the cheapest rates currently available for international calls”. Only 8p a minute to my native South Africa? Huzzah.

I was particularly interested to read David Meyer’s post that was brought to my attention by an SMS Text News reader.

Definitely worth a read.

It seems Orange have seen fit to introduce a new pay as you go sim card that offers reasonably good rates abroad.

If you’re a normal pay as you go customer, then screw you. With bells on. You’ll need to get hold of this special sim card to get the benefits.

Crazy. But worth it, if you’re an operator desperate to protect your semi-dwindling revenues. Good rates = good news. Just… well it’s just an arse messing around with more and one sim card isn’t it…