
Our man and his iPhone Battery

Our man in the Valley Mike brings us his thoughts on iPhone Battery life.

Over to Mike…

Is the iPhone 2.0 Software to Blame for Bad Battery Life?

What most bloggers seemed to have missed in their complaints over the new iPhone 3G’s battery life, is that this is a problem affecting people with first-gen iPhones as well (ever since the 2.0 update). I suspect that the reason why this leitmotif hasn’t picked up in the blogosphere is because most bloggers have already upgraded to 3G.

At first when I downloaded and installed 2.0, I saw an immediate reduction in battery life. I chalked it up to the fact that I was going crazy with apps, downloading and playing with them with abandon the first two days. Then, once I became app-jaded, and the PhoneSaber lost its sheen, I noticed that I still got shit battery life. And no, before you ask, bluetooth and WiFi are both off on my phone (well usually WiFi is off, but the point is my behavior didn’t change after the software update, but my battery life did).

A couple of nights I’ve noticed that I’ll go to bed with just a tick under a full charge and then when I wake up, having had the phone sit unused all night, I find it just a tick over the 20% battery remaining part (that warning would pop up on my way to work). My friend, also a first-gen iPhone owner told me he’s experienced the same thing.

So basically, what I am saying, is that if you are disappointed with your 3G battery life, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe with the release of the 2.1 software, the chaps at Apple will have found their battery sucking bug, and thoroughly squashed it.