Clicky pays you for your performance

Alfie Dennen, ever at the forefront of mobile technology, sent me a note about another service he’s involved with:

It’s been very much in stealth mode until a day or so ago and it’s now available for one and all to enjoy at via your nearest mobile browser. (See the screenshot to the right).

Similar in concept to 3’s Seemetv offering, enables users to generate cash by uploading their own content and allowing others to download it.  For example, I could go out now and start taking some wicked video footage of some skateboarders and upload it to — you’d then pay a few pence to view my videos
(a portion of which, I receive back).

It’d be no doubt far more interesting and far more profitable for me as the content owner if there were some sort of skin involved.  I’m thinking naked cheerleader skateboarding, for example.  But I digress.

There’s a lot more to the offering.  If you’ve got a good audience of mobile users, simply give the chaps at a call and they’ll implement a custom version for you.  Rather useful if you’re interested in exploiting your existing communities and increasing ARPU at the same time. 

Take out your phone, point it to and give go…