
Phones4U 'advisor': Orange and 3UK can't do their job properly

Have a read of this comment posted on a thread from last year about customers being wound up by Phones4U.

The poster, calling themselves, ‘Phones4u Head Office Advisor’, claims to work for Phones4U and casts the blame for disgruntled customer issues related to Orange and 3UK, squarely on those operators.

Do read this with a pinch of salt as I’ve no direct way of verifying the poster’s identity. The text does make some rather interesting claims — for example, that Orange are apparently receiving a high volume of disconnections at the moment.

Link: SMS Text News » Archives » Phones4U winding up yet another customer

i work for phones4u, and only stumbled across this forum by accident. right to set the record straight, it is actually orange who are not picking up our emails from head office. we are recieveing hundreds of calls a day from unhappy customers who are being billed for a contract both them and phones4u were aware of being cancelled! it is only orange and 3 we have these problems with, any vodafone or tmobile cancellations go through with no problem caused. orange are recieveing a really high volume of disconnections at the moment, and are taking over 30 days to disconnect a handset, although the customer may have cancelled the day after purchasing.

in regards to the MPRC issue i just read about, our qualified engineers wont deem a handset beyond economical repair for nothing. if they can fix it they actually get comission from the manufacturer.

every miss sell does go as a black mark against a store, but i can assure you if you know your job, whether it being selling phones, customer service or anything else, all issues can be ressolved. but due to oranges problem, it has actually cost p4u hundreds of thousands in early termination fees, because ORANGE cant do their job properly, and p4u cant risk their customers recieving a black mark on their credit rating