
Photos from Connected Creativity at MIPTV featuring Rafe Blandford and Ben Smith

Last week was all about Connected Creativity — the mobile/digital event happening alongside MIPTV, the world’s largest entertainment industry event.

I went down there with Rafe Blandford from the All About media group (most readers will know him via his publication: All About Symbian) and Ben Smith from The Really Mobile Project/ I was slated to do quite a few events with both chaps.

I’m working on a write-up but meantime, here are some shots of the gents in action.

Here’s Rafe in the middle of describing why he thinks the role of the mobile operator shouldn’t be entirely discounted in the context of content distribution (to mobile and to other devices):

Crowd Sourced Wrap Up (1).jpg by Olivier Ezratty

Ben Smith (also representing Tribal Labs) developed what was, I think, the soundbite of the show. Here he is in full flight:

Crowd Sourced Wrap Up (6).jpg by Olivier Ezratty

And issuing a polite yet direct put-down to someone in the audience:

Crowd Sourced Wrap Up (5).jpg by Olivier Ezratty

And — my wife is not going to be impressed, because despite the salads, the non-MTV angle of the camera makes me look like a bit of a chump:

Crowd Sourced Wrap Up (4).jpg by Olivier Ezratty

This one looks a bit better. I think I was describing how annoyed I was when I heard some rubber-desked-johnny* TV executive at some TV company had decided to cancel the next seasons of Stargate Universe, Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Event, V (2010) and … just about anything else I’d bought on iTunes.

Autres (1).jpg by Olivier Ezratty

Tomi Ahonen was caught by the photographer in what I’m sure was a posed shot:

Tomi Ahonen (3).jpg by Olivier Ezratty

And then in action sans hat:

Tomi Ahonen (7).jpg by Olivier Ezratty

And making a key point about the size of the mobile industry here:

Tomi Ahonen (5).jpg by Olivier Ezratty

Finally here is Matthaus Krzykowski of VentureBeat sitting on the Startup Pitch panel. I didn’t manage to get to the session as I was interviewing at the time, however knowing Matthaus, I’m pretty sure this photo below captures him at the point of either destroying the dreams of an unwitting startup entrepreneur (or telling them with certain accuracy that they’re the next big thing).

Startup Jury (3).jpg by Olivier Ezratty

I’ll have my write-up online soon…