
Podcast Episode 10

This week Ewan’s still on his desert island but has managed to send us an update anyway. Ben, James and Dan discuss the launch of Nokia’s E71, Dan’s self-build phone, James’ upcoming Glastonbury trip, Canadian mobile data, proposals for incoming call charges by an EU commissioner, Unlimited Drinks Dublin as well as the usual shouts and ‘things of the week’

Apologies for the occasionally-poor sound quality this week – the SMS Text News outside broadcast unit suffered a technical fault and I’ve done what I can to clean it up… we’ll replace the battery next week. In the meantime, enjoy its ‘authentic’ charm.

Listen now using the player below or see the links below for other options:

Episode link and feeds:

[Link] Direct link to this episode’s MP3 to download
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Episode ‘warm-up video’:

Podcast images:

Ewan – hard at work

Dan – Not enjoying himself quite as much


The contributors:

Dan Lane’s blog is at He’s CTO at Howler Tech.
James Whatley’s blog is here. He works for SpinVox doing clever social media stuff and also writes their blog. Sometimes he writes for SMS Text News and you can read all of that stuff right here.
Ben Smith is a management consultant. He has a blog, but anything worth reading is contributed here.

Sites mentioned in the podcast:

Nokia’s E71 is here and E66 is here.
Dan’s self-build phone is here.
Krystal’s Canadian mobile data article is here.
Unlimited Drinks Dublin is here.
Nokia’s SportsTracker is here. is a blog. About the E71.
Salling Clicker is genius.

We’re really keen to get your feedback on the podcast – please let us know in the comments or tell Ewan –