
Podcast Episode 5

Recorded on Friday, the 5th SMS Text News podcast is now available. This week added several more microphones and a ‘mixer’… hence there’s twice as much background noise and Dan is only partially audible for most of it (next week we’ll twiddle the knobs a bit differently). This time we kick Vodafone and Orange about data some more, anticipate the arrival of the Nokia E71 (except Ewan) and Ewan explains how he is going to build his own mobile network on a desert island as SMS Text News gets all ‘LOST’.

A transcription of the podcast will be available later this week when the lady who does them has stopped sobbing and pleading that we only speak ‘one at a time’.

Listen now using the player below or see the links below for other options:

Episode link and feeds:

[Link] Direct link to this episode’s MP3 to download
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…or listen by phone on +1 206 438 4026 thanks to Greg Farrell and his team at CommerceTel.


The contributors:

Ewan MacLeod is the mayor of SMS Text News. He built this city out of rock ‘n roll… probably.
Dan Lane’s blog is at He’s CTO at Howler Tech.
James Whatley’s blog is here. He works for SpinVox doing clever social media stuff and their blog.
Ben Smith is a management consultant. He has a blog, but anything worth reading is contributed here.

Sites mentioned in the podcast:

Vodafone’s updated data offering – 500MB per month ‘fair use’. Why isn’t it mentioned yet on their consumer-facing site?
Three’s data offering is one of our favourites.
Shozu is a clever image uploading tool we prefer like.
Qik allows you to live-stream video from your S60 handset.
Vodafone has a Forum Intervention Team who’ve stepped in several times to save the day.
Ewan made a video of the Orange brochure that stays schtum about data (mostly).
James is a card-carrying Vodafone-VIP.
Ben wrote some nonsense about the UK operator’s mobile stores.
Truphone is a smart voice-over-IP application for S60 handsets.
The Boy Genius Reports been giving lots of coverage to the not-yet-released Nokia E71.
Unlimited Drinks‘ is back in London on the 10th June.
DeviceAnywhere do clever application testing on all the handsets you can imagine and a few you can’t.
OJOM are the recently shut-down games development team – who will surely go on to even better things.
The S60 team are hosting another one of their excellent events in Boston.
Ricky keeps tabs on the ‘advertising for minutes’ operator Blyk at Blykwatch.
Trippo is a clever on-handset translation application.
HandyTaskman and HandyCalendar are must-have S60 handset enhancements from EpocWare. is a cool mobile Twitter alternative interface.

We’re really keen to get your feedback on the podcast – please let us know in the comments or tell Ewan –