

Ever remember the movie Speed?

"Pop quiz, hot shot: There’s a bomb on a bus. The bus goes over
fifty-five miles per hour, the bomb is armed; it drops below
fifty-five, the bomb goes off. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?"

I’ve decided to give myself my very own pop quiz today featuring
Orange.  I picked them at random. A while ago I was out shopping with a
good girl friend of mine when we walked past the Vodafone store.  With
an absend mind she said "oh, I’m out of contract, I need to get an
upgrade at some point."  I was shocked that she hadn’t sorted it out
pronto.  So I marched her straight in and began the geeky delightful
task that is analysing the various phones available and deciding which
one you’d have, if you could.  This is the basis of the quiz I’ve set

The pop quiz is this:  If you needed a new phone, AND you had
to buy it from Orange, what would you buy? Money, service plans et al
isn’t an issue, it’s the choice that counts.


1. I visit here:
2. I click pay monthly, obviously, because I want them to fund the up front cost
3. Oh now the choice begins here:

C600 maybe? The Windows Mobile phone?  I have a soft spot for
ActiveSync.  Although now Nokia have properly fixed their synching with
the N series, hmmmm.  Quite like that ultra slim Motorola but it’s got
hardly any of the features I demand.

You know what I’m really struggling.  I don’t see anything I like.

Fast forward 10 minutes.  I’ve looked at everything.

Treo 650Ok, if you positively force me to make a decision I’d go for the Treo 650
for a number of reasons.  First, I’ve never had one before, second,
people who I know have them and swear by them and third, well, I’m a
sucked for new gadgets to play with.

The PalmOne Treo 650 – an all-in-one phone, camera and MP3 player –
gives you access to the web, email and Word or Excel documents, as well
as a host of Palm OS® business applications.

Totally wrong choice?  There’s hardly anything new out on their online shop worth looking at I reckon.