
Pop star harranged by mobile phone salesman

Link: MIKA’S SKINT! – 3am – Showbiz –

If you were looking for affirmation that it’s not just SMS Text News contributor Ben Harvey who has problems with staff in mobile phone stores, maybe this will help.

According to the Daily Mirror, pop star Mika – the number one selling artist behind that catchy/annoying (delete as applicable) tune ‘Grace Kelly’ was ‘laughed out of the shop by a gleeful assistant’ after failing a credit check.

A red-faced Mika, 23, reveals: “The salesman was determined I was not getting a phone from him. He took real delight in announcing to the entire shop I was broke, skint and penniless.”

The star confesses: “I went into a mobile phone shop and failed every credit rating check there is. I didn’t even know what a credit rating was until then.”

Says the Beirut-born 24-year-old: “The guy serving had no interest in who I was. My friend who was with me was just p***ing himself with laughter. Shamed Mika tried to save face by offering to pay two years’ worth of bills in advance – but still the shop guy wouldn’t budge.

Oh dear. So it’s one thing failing a credit check, but making such a song and dance about it? Of course this could just be hyped out of proportion for a bit of PR spin.. Maybe he should have just got a prepay contract?