
What powerline/homeplug adapters do you use for WiFi at home?

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I’ve got another question for you, dear reader.

Do you have problems with the WiFi in your place of residence? If so, do you use the powerline/homeplug adapters to serve you WiFi via your electricity connection? We seem to have an array of dampening fields all around our house so I’ve got three different WiFi networks going in different regions of the house.

I’ve been using Devolo products (like that one above – Amazon link) for a long time and I’m reasonably content (apart from having to have three different networks!)

However I was wondering if you’ve got any recommendations for other products to try?

The Devolo adapters are rather expensive compared to other ranges (TP, for example). I’ve been browsing the Amazon feedback sections and given the fact TP is almost two thirds cheaper I’ve been thinking about trying them out.

But is there another brand I should be looking at? Any suggestions welcome!