
Pre-MWC drinks with me and the Hotwire PR team this January

I hope you’re having a good relaxing week. The chances are if you’re in the United Kingdom, this is the case. This week is very much an irrelevance: For those unlucky enough to be back at work, there’s usually not much going on because the lucky ones are busy sunning themselves in the Alps. Or they’ve been forced to take these ‘optional’ holiday days off because the office is closed.

But if you’re part of the marketing effort at a mobile company, the chances are you’re working all this week — even if you’re on a ski slope somewhere. You’re working in your mind! Or, panicking professionally — about Mobile World Congress (“MWC”).

It’s a big, big event — the biggest in the calendar for much of the Western world and beyond.

I’d like to invite you to discuss your marketing and public relations activities with me at a pre-MWC reception next month (i.e. late January). It’s being hosted by the team at Hotwire PR (old pros when it comes to MWC). The event is targeted at anyone who’s currently planning their media outreach and who might like to pick a few brains. Hotwire are one of those firms who do MWC very, very well. I have first hand experience as I’ve done what feels like hundreds of interviews with their clients over the years.

Hotwire kindly invited me to attend the event to answer any last minute queries from a blogger/media perspective. I’ve got a lot of views on this topic having been to MWC many, many times — and had some rather (needlessly) stressful interview experiences.

Please do consider coming along.

The reception is taking place on the 25th of January 2012 from 6-830pm at Zebrano Bar, 18 Greek Street, Soho, W1D 4DS. If you’d like to come along, please drop a note to Fiona Stevens ( to RSVP or give her a call on 020 7608 4697.

Please do pass this note on to any of your colleagues who are quietly sitting in the corner of your office this week stressing about MWC!