
Printing comes to the iPhone


Those geniuses at Hewlett Packard unveiled today, in the run up to Christmas, a printing application for the iPhone.

Available from the Apple App store, this widget, and let’s call it by the name everyone else standardises on apart from Apple, is around for the iPhone and iPod touch.

Apparently it’s the first of its kind to allow printing of photos from their devices wirelessly, in a 4 x 5-inch format to the majority of HP’s inkjet printers.

It should also work seamlessly with Apples Bonjour technology, their zero configuration setup for local printers and their services.

We’ve been told it will be aired and shown off to its full extent and glory at CES in January, and also Macworld Conference and Expo too. Hurrah!

HP iPrint Photo is available gratis from AAS, Apple App Store now.

We must admit, it’s a nice touch. Although we really doubt it will sell more HP printers, but it could make the iPhone more useful and work well with existing technology in the home or in the office.

Either way, it’s a step in the right direction for them both.

Who knows, perhaps HP could make printers a bit more sexy instead of a grey, dull and boring piece of kit and design the ‘ iPrinter ‘ ?

You saw it here first folks, if it all comes true.