
PRs: If your client isn't a member, I can't take a phone pitch, please email instead

Just a housekeeping post here for the attention of all public relations people who ordinarily might call to pitch me.

I cannot accept pitches by phone. It takes far too much time when I’m supposed to be doing other things that generate revenue for me.

If you’ve got a press release or a story concept, I will gladly accept them on my low-priority email: or That way I can review releases at — for example — 2am. Like I’ve been doing just a few moments ago.

My mobile number is still on the contacts page and I’d like to draw your attention to the low-priority mark next to it. This number is most definitely low-priority. I haven’t wanted to take my number off the site because it is useful for people to reach me for other purposes, especially if I’ve published something containing a mistake or something like that. If you do call — and the company you’re calling on behalf of is not a member — I will very politely explain that I cannot talk further and ask you to email the release.

I aim to try and read every email I get at the low-priority account. I often pick up some very useful items from there. Rest assured that if your news is going to blow the doors of the industry — and if I think the readers of Mobile Industry Review need to know about it — I won’t miss it.

I have a priority mobile number and email address that I give to member companies. Member companies select a nominated contact that I will accept telephone pitches from. This could be their PR representative or it could be their VP of Marketing, CEO or the like. Members also receive a priority email address for press releases. I review this email account first, before checking the low-priority one. Members receive a reply to every email. For the avoidance of doubt, member companies simply get to pitch me by voice and the assurance that I will review their email pitches for suitability ahead of the others I receive. That’s all.

There are more details on the become a member page.