
Public Relations geniuses fail British Prime Minister

Picture 9

Dear me.

Is this the single worst picture of British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown?


He’s posing here on the campaign trail for London Mayor, Ken Livingstone. The picture is from the London Evening Standard front page.

Some bright spark has obviously taken a picture of him on their piece-of-crap decades-old camera phone and decided to show it to him. At least, I hope that’s the case. Or perhaps the chap in the Turban is showing him a picture he’s taken. The handset is so old and rubbish I can’t even identify the make. LG, is it? On network 3UK?

To make matters worse, there’s a chap to the top left of the picture smiling, wearing shades, who’s clearly holding some 2 year old Nokia-with-a-camera. I wonder if it’s even a megapixel camera?

There’s not an N95 among them.

The public relations gurus at Number 10 must work harder to make the Prime Minister at least look modern. Posing with decades old handsets doesn’t cut it!