
Q&A with Twitter founders

Link: MediaShift . Digging Deeper::Twitter Founders Thrive on Micro-Blogging Constraints | PBS

As mentioned in a post a couple of days ago, PBS tech blog MediaShift have published their interview with Twitter founders Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone.

I touched on the business model of Twitter when I posted about my experiences with Twitter the other day, and asked how they plan to make money whilst picking up the tab for my texts. Here’s a snippet from the article that asks the same question:

How does the cost of Twitter work? I know that I pay for my SMS messages through my service provider. Do you pay for text messages sent and received as well?

Dorsey: So we pay for every SMS message sent. We’re looking to get into relationships where we can minimize those costs or potentially make that a revenue stream. So that’s another thing we need to scale, and it’s a matter of figuring out the industry more than anything else.

You can read the full interview here.