
QIK launches on the Blackberry platform

QIK, probably the best mobile video streaming platform has hit the Blackberry platform this morning. The system is alpha and they’ve got it working on almost every modern Blackberry — including the Pearl, the Bold, the Curve and the new Pearl Flip (which is a piece of goodness in itself).

Founder Bhaskar is radiating sheer excitement on the QIK blog about this news. It’s understandable. A lot of folk simply can’t operate without their Blackberry and it’s often the primary device choice for many, so this should help grow the QIK user base even faster.

If you’re already a Qikker, get the Blackberry alpha here. Otherwise you can download and install QIK by signing-up as normal.

If you’d like to see how it works on a Bold, Bhaskar’s made this vid for your viewing pleasure: