
Quality app developer? RIM will guarantee you'll earn a minimum of $10,000 from your app

Alec Saunders, RIM’s VP of Developer Relations was just on stage here at BlackBerry World announcing a wealth of new updates for their developer community.

One of the announcements that really caught my attention was regarding quality applications. Alec is on record as a being a huge fan of quality applications — by this, he means apps that actually add value.

If you look at a lot of the apps out there, the vast majority are pretty rubbish.

With this in mind, RIM is putting it’s money where it’s mouth is. The company wants to see more quality apps submitted to their app store — and, provided developers meet a minimum set of quality requirements, RIM will guarantee minimum annual earnings of $10,000.

As long as your quality app makes $1,000 in download earnings in a year, RIM will write you a check for the balance if you haven’t hit the $10,000 mark.

This is a serious commitment. It’s likely to appeal to a lot of independent quality app developers.

It’s a rather graceful way of helping stimulate and fill the ‘app gap’ too. Rather than paying developers to create unproven apps, RIM is helping reward success. So basically, if your app is half decent, you’ll get rewarded.

I’m not quite clear on the whole list of minimum requirements — however there should be more details revealed shortly.

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