
Quote from The Crunchies: "Silicon Valley is the centre of mobile"

That’s the quote I heard someone on stage announce during the recent Crunchies awards. I was not impressed.

The quote was — paraphrasing — “Silicon Valley is the centre of web 2.0 and now it’s the centre of mobile”



Not quite.

I can’t quite be sure who it was that uttered the sentence. I don’t know if it was Michael Arrington (who was hosting most of it). I don’t think so. I do remember being so taken aback that I forgot to write down the exact quote and attribute it. I remember turning to the chaps from ShoZu (I was sitting next to them) to object and gauge their response… then I thought better of making a scene.

Over here, certain people consider Twitter to be the pinnacle of mobile innovation.

Twitter is not mobile. It’s an application that includes a mobile dimension, but it’s hardly a shining example of mobile technology per se. ShopQwik, by contrast, is a wicked example of what you can do with mobile — i.e. query and book a flight, hotel or hire car anywhere in the world in 60 seconds from your mobile. MAXroam, our very own SMS Text News sponsor, a borderless SIM card service, IS a mobile service.

Deary me.

We’ve got some educating to do here, we really do.

And the web 2.0 boys… geez, they really are full of it at times.