
Ray Kurzweil on 3D mobile future and an augmented virtual world

So I’m standing at an SMS Text News Unlimited Drinks event and you walk up to me, right?

I have long since given up using my eyes and brain to recognise people. Instead when you approach me and we make eye contact, I get a little virtual pop-up in my brain — like an ultra mini Facebook or LinkedIn profile that reminds me that your name is Kevin, your 34 years old and your wife, Samantha, is an accountant. What’s more it tells me that Samantha has recently added my friend Ed as a business associate — this is highlighted under the ‘talking points’ section.

I thank you for coming to the event and ask how your wife is getting on with the business transaction she and Ed are working on.


Well, it’s not far off, according to visionary Ray Kurzweil. He is, reports BusinessWeek, predicting ‘virtual displays that hover in the air’ and more. Have a read.