
RCR Wireless -- intelligence on all things wireless -- closed today

Goodness me.

I was about to write a shocking you-will-not-believe-it piece about the RCR Wireless coverage of SpinVox. I got their newsletter this afternoon and saw red when they took their hatchet to the voicemail-to-text service. I think the fundamentally misunderstood the point of SpinVox, commenting that it often spells transcribed words incorrectly and isn’t that good with ‘3 minute messages’. You can see the vid and accompanying piece here.

But that’s not relevant any more. RCR Wireless has ceased trading!

Dear me.

I haven’t really come across RCR much — apart from seeing their Show Daily at CTIA, if memory serves. RCR are — were — very much US-focused from what I could make of it.

But that’s it. Here’s a screenshot of the announcement:

It reads:

RCR Wireless News has suspended publication of its print and online products immediately and is closing operations. Unfortunately, the market for RCR’s products has been hit particularly hard by the global financial meltdown.

“RCR Wireless News was passionately run by first-class people and it pains us to make this move but the economy gives us no other choice,” said Crain Communications Chairman Keith E. Crain. To contact Crain, e-mail Colleen Robar at

Here’s the link to the announcement.

It looks to me like this was a bit of a surprise. For example, I was reading about the controlled-demise of the Rocky Mountain News last week — they announced it in advance, set a date for closure and so on.

This note from RCR looks like it might have come as a shock.

Deary me. Every success in the future to those associated with the company.