
My Top 7 Apps: Suresh Batchu CTO & SVP of Engineering, MobileIron

My Top 7 Apps: Suresh Batchu CTO & SVP of Engineering, MobileIron

I’m delighted to have a Top 7 Apps submission from Suresh Batchu, co-founder, CTO, and SVP of Engineering, MobileIron. Here’s a little bit more about what the company does:

MobileIron provides the foundation for companies around the world to transform into Mobile First organisations. For more information, please visit

Suresh currently uses an iPhone as his primary phone and Nokia (Lumia 920) Windows Phone as secondary. Suresh used to have Android Phone before and he keeps rotating phones every year to keep up with all the operating systems.

Let’s crack on with Suresh’s list:

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FlipBoard: It has become a ritual for me to read news after work.

MobileDay: Our VP Marketing introduced me to this and it makes dialling way easier.

WhatsApp: Recently we have become WhatsApp family and it’s great with close friends too.

LinkedIn: They have added some new features that are great.

Google Maps: I am very bad at directions… and our VP Biz Dev says that I am a bad driver too 🙂

YouTube: My kids don’t know what a TV is – they only know YouTube and Netflix.

Flickr: They enabled auto update and now all my family pictures are on Flickr. 1 TB free… no one can beat that yet.

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Thanks to Suresh for his list of apps, there’s a good mix here with a lot of family themed time too.

If you’d like to contribute your Top 7 Apps or if you are the PR representing someone you’d like to see featured, everything you need to know about participating is right here.