
Reformatting your life to Apple

I had a massive computer screw-up on Thursday.  It was, of course, very well timed and I ended up having to work through the night on another computer.  My task would have taken about 20 minutes on my normal workstation — but this stretched to well over 4 hours on an unprepared machine.

I was venting enormous amounts of frustration — but conveniently no one was around to witness at 5am in the morning.  It was at this point that I decided to swap, finally, to an operating system which is a little more stable.  Or at least, meant to be.  Ordinarily I would have chosen Linux — everything critical we have runs on some flavour of Unix.  However there are a few commercial applications that I do need — so I chose Apple. 

I went out to the Apple store on Saturday and returned with an extremely powerful G5 workstation and a few monitors.  They had a good deal on a 23" widescreen. 

Ergo I haven’t been blogging; I have been swapping my data over with Foldershare and learning (rather easily) the ins and outs of the Apple interface in more depth.  I’ll be fully operational shortly.