
Review: Selwyn Electronics DigiMemo

Recieved: Selwyn Electronics DigiMemo
In search of an alternative to the predictable smartphone or netbook option for mobile working, I took the Selwyn Electronics DigiMemo with me to Beijing.  A kind of electronic clipboard operated with a special pen pages of written text and graphics are captured and downloaded via USB to the PC-only software.  Because it’s not all hard work and sleepless nights here at MIR I took it to the pool with me to write its own review on it:

Selwyn Pad Output

Having written a few pages, the software – although very basic – makes a competent job of downloading and displaying the pages which can then be output as a PDF or image…. I’ve stitched 3 pages together above.  The superimposed lines can’t be removed and although representing the lines on the actual writing paper, don’t line up.

The unit is also supplied with some character recognition software which can process the images downloaded from the pad, but is so gut-wrenchingly awful at recognising handwritten text (it managed about 50% of the text above… and yes it could be my handwriting) that correcting the output takes longer that just re-typing it so my advice would be to forget it or at least purchase an alternative.

My initial thoughts on the unit was that it may just be quicker to run hand-written notes through a cheap scanner, and for those working in an office environment this may still be a more flexible option, but if you’re out ‘on the road’ for extended period this pad provides a great (and more affordable at about £100) alternative to something like a tablet PC with batteries (4 AA’s) that will last many times longer.

The A5 version I mentioned preferring in the handwritten text is actually available for about £75.  The cases are £25 and £20 respectively.

Recommended for PC users, despite the text recognition software, if you want to capture handwritten notes.