
ROK Talk still rokking my world

I took a chance and installed ROK Talk on my Nokia E90. I wasn’t sure if it would work. You never know if there’s weird and wonderful incompatibilities between the devices, particularly since the E90 is a bit of a brick. Literally a brick.

Genius. It worked first time.

I met with Ed Hodges from ROK Talk — (well, actually, Howler Tech, the developers) yesterday to shoot the breeze. I spent the first 30 minutes telling him what a good product it is. I’m still thoroughly enjoying using it. Although, I think Ed had to start deploying the fake smile when I was going on about it.

I have zero tolerance for normal conference calls now. I don’t do them. It takes a lot of get me on to a normal piece-of-shit conference call nowadays.

I can’t stand that arsing about… “Is he coming on?”

“Did he get the message? Is my clock right? He’s FIVE minutes late??”

All that crap dissipates immediately with ROK Talk. You simply click the conference call participants out of your address book and press go. The ROK Talk server dials everyone and woosh… you’re on the call. If someone gets dropped from the call – or WORSE — if they ignore the initial call, they simply dial the ROK Talk number and they’re joined into the call right away.

There’s a significant amount of demand for folk wanting to try out the service whilst it’s in beta so if you’ve signed up on the form there and you haven’t heard anything, drop me a mail and I’ll do my best to petition Ed for you. Or if you’d like to experience just how wicked it is as a service, shoot me you and your colleague’s phone number and I’ll setup a call between us for a few minutes.